My Blog
Unlock Your Intuition, Reclaim Your Energy
abusive relationships
cognitive resources
daily choices
decision fatigue
decision-making capacity
divine connection
emotional resilience
energetic state
energy audit
energy impact
energy management
higher self
listening to intuition
mental break
mental space
personal empowerment
personal experiences
positive actions
practical strategies
soul purpose
spiritual teacher
white space
your yes filled life
Jan 27, 2025
You can stop waiting for permission
My new podcast!! Episode 1
All Categories a glimpse into my life abusive relationships akashic readings alignment authentic self authenticity awareness balance beginner's mind betterment of humanity boise boise blogger boise reiki healer boise self help boise self-empowerment boise self-empowerment classes boise self-help classes boise spiritual education boise spiritual life coach boise spiritual teacher books boundaries with spirit breathwork brenda winkle brendawinkle brenda’s favorite blog posts bringing spirituality to work ceo schedule challenging moments channeling chaos management choice choir director clarity client case study coaching program codependency cognitive resources collaboration combination approach community community support competition connection connection with like-minded individuals core intention courage courses creating change creativity curiosity customizable strategies daily choices dealing with change decision fatigue decision-making decision-making capacity deep work deep work blocks depression relief divine connection divine wisdom domestic violence ease eliminating distractions emotional health emotional resilience emotions empath empathic abilities empowered you empowered you workshop empowerment energetic hygiene energetic state energy energy audit energy impact energy management energy vampires enery vampires environment evolution excitement feel better feeling good feeling great finding joy focus forgiveness forgivness founder free guides free journal prompts free masterclass free trainings free will freedom friendship fulfillment gaining clarity gifts gratitude grief grounding growth guest blogger guilt free harvest time!! what will you allow yourself to harvest? dealing with change healing healing the nervous system health and wellness healthy body healthy boundaries high-impact activities higher self highly sensitive people holiday stress holidays home human design humor hydration improvement increase your energy inspiration inspire inspired action integrity intention intentionality intuition intuitive access intuitive consultations intuitive information intuitive jewelry joe figueras journal prompts journaling journey towards greatness joy keywords: gratitude kids kindness last week’s blog post law of attraction leaders leadership leadership style learning life path number listening to intuition living strong as women loa love love and light love languages making decisions manifesting manifesting miracles masterclass meditation mental break mental space mentorship metaphysical education metaphysical practices mindfulness monday blogs money mindset most recent blog post movement music educator navigating challenges nervous system healing no more perfectionism nutrition overcoming fear of change overcoming procrastination passion past lives people pleaser help personal agency personal empowerment personal experiences personal growth personal journey pluto in aquarius podcast positive actions positive thinking power of breathwork power of positive thinking practical strategies productivity tool quantum shift raise the vibe reader favorite blog posts recipes reclaiming energy reflection reiki reiki healer reiki healing relatability relationships with food responsibility routines science and spirituality seasonal depression self care self empowerment self-acceptance self-awareness self-care self-discovery self-help self-reflection self-sabotage somatic practices soul agreements soul blueprints soul contracts soul frequency soul purpose spaciousness spirit spiritual coach spiritual development classes spiritual education spiritual healing spiritual journey spiritual teacher spiritual tetralogy spiritualism spirituality strategic thinking strategies stress management successful business owner thetahealing thursday tips time blocking transformation travel treasure valley reiki healer treasure valley self help treasure valley self-empowerment treasure valley spiritual life coach trust unique abilities unlimited abundance victoria video blog wake the world up waves of joy wednesday words weekly affirmation white space whole day focus wisdom workshops yes academy yoga your yes filled life