Why forgiveness is a process and not an event – Boise Spiritual Teacher

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Imagine forgiveness as an onion. There are layers upon layers involved in the forgiveness process just like there are layers upon layers within an onion. Also like an onion, there can be lots of tears as we peel away the layers. Each layer we reveal makes our hearts sting just like the fragrance of an onion stings our eyes.

There are only two things that I know work to take the sting out of our eyes that the onions cause. Chewing gum will lessen the impact of an onion and cooking will remove the sting completely.

It’s even simpler to take the sting out of our hearts when we need to forgive. Keep in mind that when I say simple I do not mean easy. Ready for me to tell you what takes the sting away?

Upon each newly revealed layer, choose to forgive. That is, make the conscious choice to offer forgiveness. You see, in forgiveness, each time we completely heal a layer of our inner being with forgiveness, a new layer can be revealed that needs more healing until we reach the core. At the core of our being is only love.

As we pass through the layers needing forgiveness, we get closer and closer to pure love. But the only way to really get there is to offer forgiveness anytime we feel that tingle of resentment, anger or hostility. By deciding you have a desire to forgive, the shift begins. Just a willingness to forgive begins the process. If it feels to hard to forgive, then start by saying “I choose to forgive”. Keep choosing to forgive. Choose forgiveness over and over.

Call upon Archangel Michael for help. Archangel Michael is omni-present which means that he can be everywhere with each of us all at the same time. Asking him for help doesn’t take away anything from anyone else. Heaven (God, the angels and Archangels and our spirit guides) believe in free will. They will only help us, unless it’s life threatening, if we ask. They don’t want to interfere. So it’s ok to ask for help. They WANT you to ask for help. Are you wondering why?

As people allow love and light to fill their lives, the world becomes more filled with love and light. You can be a part of that love and light simply by choosing to forgive. You don’t have to feel the forgiveness in this moment. Just be willing. Make the choice to forgive over and over.

One day, you’ll realize that you have actually completed the forgiveness process for that person or event. You’ve forgiven. You’ve let go of the resentment, anger and hostility. All that remains is love. And then, you are free!! Being free is an amazing feeling!!!

If you are looking for help forgiving, hope to work with someone who has successfully forgiven some really serious things (have you read my updated about me where I come clean about why this work is so important to me?), want someone to walk you through the process, help you carve out time to do the work and support you through the process; you might enjoy the course Empowered You. Click here to learn more about Empowered You.

I hope this has been of service to you. If so, please share!!

I’ll be back on Thursday with your Thursday tip and on Saturday with your weekly angel card reading. Love and light to you!


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All my love,
