5 tips for surviving the last 6 weeks of winter
Feb 05, 2017
Ok, we are into February now. Rumor has it the groundhog has predicted another 6 weeks of winter. If you are on the slopes or ice, you are probably loving life this time of year! If you don’t have a winter sport or hobby you love, winter is probably beginning to feel really, really long. No matter which category you fall into, here are some tips to surviving the last 6 weeks of winter with poise, grace and a smile on your face. Yes, that was on the corny side, but stay with me.
You don’t have to grit your teeth to get through the rest of winter. There are some simple things you can do to not only survive but thrive in these last 6 weeks of winter. Let’s get those 5 tips!!
5 tips to surviving the last 6 weeks of winter
- Get some exercise. If it’s not icy and it’s safe to walk, walking outside can be great exercise. Being outside in the fresh air helps you in mind, body and spirit whether or not the sun is shining. If its not safe, try something indoors. I admit it, I am not a gym person. But when there is a string of days where it’s not safe to walk outside, I can be found on the treadmill in my local gym. This year, I also am learning to play racquetball which has been really fun! (Learning to play racquetball is a bit strong….it would be more honest to say that I am trying to hit the ball without ducking…but it’s fun nonetheless). This is a perfect time of year to get to your local yoga studio. I practice yoga 2-5 times a week year round and it really helps every aspect of my life.
- Bring spring inside. Buy yourself some beautiful flowers and put them in a prominent place in the main living space of your home. The sight of the beautiful flowers along with their fragrance is a wonderful way to brighten a room. This is also something I do nearly year round – except I use cut flowers from my garden in the summer.
- Treat yourself. For me, there are some things I only enjoy in the winter. I love a steaming mug of chai tea with a little honey and almond milk. It’s delicious and healthy. My 15 year old daughter is a big fan of hot chocolate.
- Take advantage of the time inside. Read a book you’ve been meaning to read or catch a movie you’ve wanted to see. Keep a list of things you want to read or view and that makes it easy for you to make a choice you’ll be happy with when the time comes.
- Plan a summer event or vacation. There is nothing like planning a summer getaway! It gives you something to look forward to. That anticipation is known to bring people a significant amount of pleasure – as much or more than the actual vacation. It doesn’t have to be somewhere extravagant or even in the summer. You could plan a day trip in April! Just make it something you want to do that you’ll look forward to doing.
Do you have other tried and true ways to get through the last 6 weeks of winter? Please share them with us by commenting below. I’ve had to change my security settings on my site to deal with some spam – so you’ll need to register to comment but your information is total safe and I promise never to spam you.
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All my love,