Gratitude changes everything – Boise Spiritual Teacher
May 15, 2016
Everything I write is taken in some way from my own life. I take my experiences and share them in hopes that what I learn might help someone else.
This week is no exception. The difference is that this week found me on an unexpected emotional roller coaster. I relied on every tool I had to get through the week. You are already guessing that the tool I relied on most was gratitude. And you are correct! Let me tell you the story of my week.
A personal story
I’m a music teacher and choir director in addition to this as you may already know. In Boise where I live, there is a magnificent week each May called “Music Week”. It’s incredible! This particular week is filled with 10 days of free musical events including a full production musical, a large school night concert with students, organ recitals, a dance night, a concert band, a church music night and more. In my position as the Elementary Honor Choir Director for the Boise School District, Music Week is a big deal. My choir sings at the School Music Night Concert along with nearly 2000 other musicians to an audience ranging in size from 5,000 to 10,000. It can be stressful but it’s also rewarding and wonderful.
The concert was this past Tuesday night. It was a busy night for my family because my daughter also sings in that concert with the United Junior High Choir on the same concert. Both of our choirs did well. I was proud of my students and proud of my daughter. It was thrilling and exciting! Being in a concert is a significant emotional experience and leaves you feeling exhilarated and exhausted.
Wednesday was to be our night at home. Thursday was to be filled with another concert for my daughter, Friday held the promise of a musical production and more. All of that changed in an instant.
I got a call a little before 2 from the school nurse at my daughter’s school on Wednesday. She’d been accidentally hit in the head with a football during PE. My daughter was being treated for a probable concussion.
I rushed to get to my daughter. She looked miserable..bruises were already forming. She was out of it, scared, hurt and a little angry she’d been hit. We went home with our instructions and promptly called our doctor who has been taking good care of my daughter since.
I went down a dangerous road Thursday morning. I got angry. I spent a little time there. And then…. I took a deep breath and put on my tool belt.
The shift of gratitude
I asked my higher power and the angels for help. And immediately I heard, “Be Grateful”. I started to make a list of all the things I was grateful for. It was an easy list to make!
- Grateful my daughter hadn’t been more seriously hurt and that she is predicted to be back in school within 4 or 5 days.
- Grateful this didn’t happen on the night of both of our concerts.
- Grateful for my supportive friends who were offering to help in any way they could.
- Grateful for a college friend who sent my daughter a digital audio book since she’s restricted and can’t view screens/technology/stimulation while her brain heals.
- Grateful for my parents who really function like my support system: helping me juggle my own career demands with my parenting responsibilities by being willing to step in whenever they are needed in whatever way they are needed.
- Grateful for my sister who sent me many long texts filled with things she thought I needed to know about concussions based on my brother-in-law’s research.
- Grateful for the cheery balloons that floated into our house.
- Grateful I’m not exhausted after Music Week this year from performances (although I’ll be happy to be exhausted from Music Week next year when my daughter is well)
- And my list went on and on….
Can you feel the energetic shift that list brought? Gratitude changed my point of attraction and immediately changed my experience. More wonderful things started to happen. My daughter is recovering nicely. When my energy shifted, her energy shifted.
The Law of Attraction is flawless. It always works. What you focus on magnifies. If you focus on reasons to be angry, you’ll find them as the universe will feel your point of attraction and bring you experiences to match. If you focus on gratitude, the universe will begin to deliver more things for you to be grateful for because that is how the Law of Attraction works. Sometimes this is referred to as manifesting. You literally speak, think and feel your world into existence.
This week was my personal reminder. As humans, sometimes we are going to go to anger or fear. When it happens, don’t get upset at yourself. Just snap your tool belt on and change your focus to gratitude. It will change your experience and your life.
My mission is to spread love and light far and wide. If you liked this, please click “like” or share.
If you want to learn more about manifesting, you’ll love the Manifesting Miracles course I’m now offering. I’ll teach you everything you need to know about creating your own experience by changing the way you think. You can learn more about Manifesting Miracles here. And of course, gratitude is an integral part.
I’m grateful to you for reading this. Thank you for being a part of my journey and sharing this me.
I’ll be back on Thursday with your Thursday tip and on Saturday with your weekly angel card reading.
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All my love,
Did you see Thursday’s tip on getting grounded when you feel frazzled? You can view that here