Guess what?!? You are worth it right now.

emotional health healing law of attraction weekly affirmation Apr 09, 2018

Ever struggle with self-doubt? You are not alone.

Many of us struggle with self doubt. Sometimes the doubt is so strong we start to wonder if we are qualified to be living our own lives. Maybe we feel like we won’t be good enough, smart enough qualified, or worthy until…well, until we do something else. We tell ourselves we won’t be worthy until we take another class, accomplish that goal, earn another degree, make a new friend, get that romantic relationship, loose a certain amount of weight, or whatever else we think we need in order to finally be worthy.

I was guided today to remind you that you are enough. Right now. You’re smart enough. You are worthy. You deserve good things. You can let that self doubt go.

But what if I’m being guided to do something?

It is true that Spirit may be leading you into a new direction! That may include classes or a new certification or meeting a new person… or who know?!? If you have felt the nudge to try something new, follow it. But you don’t need those things to be worthy. You’re worthy right now. Just as you are. Let that self doubt go and go where you are being led.

You are worthy in this moment. You will still be worthy in an hour, a week and a year. Yes, you may be being guided to make some changes, but that does not diminish the fact that you are loved, cherished and worthy in this moment and in all moment.

Sometimes we need to have that reminder.

All my love to you.


PS… I’m really excited that there is a plan in place to offer an online class series of Empowered You that will include recordings!! Details aren’t yet set but stay tuned. It will be very affordable and simple!! And if you can’t attend in person, you will receive recordings of the classes so it can fit into EVERY schedule!