Four things kids Christmas music programs can teach us
Dec 11, 2016
I’ve mentioned before I am an elementary music teacher and choir director. This time of year is performance season. Last week alone we had 5 separate performances between my first & second graders and the choir. We don’t only sing kids Christmas music, of course. We sing songs about snow, songs about winter, songs about weather and for our holiday choir tour we do include some traditional and not-so-traditional holiday favorites. Watching the kids made me realize, we can learn a lot from them!
Here are some things we can learn from the kids Christmas music programs….
Four things kids Christmas music programs can teach us
Attitude matters.
When you decide something will be fun, it will be fun! During a kids Christmas music program your eyes are drawn to the kids having the most fun. The same is true in the adult world! Working with a positive attitude and focusing on fun brings you lots of opportunities because you get noticed.
Enthusiasm counts.
Do whatever you do with a smile and it helps everyone around you enjoy themselves. If you make a mistake while you are having fun and being enthusiastic, most people keep smiling right along with you. Be enthusiastic. You’ll find your enthusiasm is contagious and builds more enthusiasm in those around you. It feels great! Enthusiasm draws people and opportunities to you like a bee is drawn to honey.
Move your body.
We are often taught by society to sit still, stand still, etc. Move a little! It’s fun! It increases your energy and your enjoyment level. AND it’s contagious! Remember that kid moving and grooving? You watched that kid with a certain level of admiration, right? Hear a song you love come on the radio or Pandora station? Let your body move to the music. Let the music move you. Get rocking’! As much as your comfort level and the venue allow, of course. it will be fun, I promise! Maybe to start, if you are new to moving your body to the music, try it alone at home and see how it feels. I think you’ll be amazed at how good it feels to move to music!
Building community is really important.
If you asked my choir students what we did on Friday, most of them would tell you we rode a bus and ate pizza together in the music room. If you ask, they might get around to telling you they also sang in the Idaho State Capitol Rotunda, The District Service Center for Boise Schools, and sang for two classes at West Junior High. To them… being together eating pizza and riding in a yellow school bus – and building community – was the highlight of the day. We all want to belong but we sometimes get in our own way when it comes to being involved in a community. Get to know the people you work with. Say yes when you are invited to spend extra time with people not just working. Build community by being involved in the community.
And there you have it. Four things we can learn from kids Christmas music programs. If you like this, please click “like” or consider sharing!
All my love,