Angel Card Reading – May 14-20, 2016
May 13, 2016
This is your Angel Card Reading for the week of May 14-20, 2016. If this angel card reading crosses your path, you can be assured your angels meant it for you.
This week, I drew from Doreen Virtue’s Romance Angels Deck. The Career and Finances card came up for you. This means that your career and finances are having an effect on our love life.
Follow your intuitive guidance to find the meaning for you. You’ll know. It could be that you are spending so much time on your career you are neglecting the one your love or the search for someones to love. Perhaps you are focused on what you do not have in regard to finances. In this case you are pulling more lack into your experience in regard to career, finances and your love life. What you focus on magnifies. This focus on lack will absolutely affect your ability to give and receive love.
The angels recommend spending time on something lighthearted and fun. Find a way to laugh and smile. Bring joy back! By focusing on joy you can shift your experience and begin to experience the flow of abundance that is meant for you. This flow of abundance will affect your finances, your career and your love life in a very positive way. And it all starts by just doing something fun!!
Take time this week to do things that are both nurturing and fun for you. If you are in a committed relationship, do something fun together. If you are single, spend time doing something fun with your friends. In both cases, turning the focus to joy and fun will help you relax and connect to the people around you. When you are relaxed and having fun, you’ll be even more attractive to your partner or potential partners.
The angles are telling me your heart is heavy with worry about your career and finances. They tell me you are so worried you don’t know if you can have fun. If this is the case for you, also spend time in meditation this week. By meditating you can quiet your mind and let solutions come easily to you. For a free meditation to connect you with your own intuition, click here. Grab a pen and paper to journal your thoughts after your meditation. Write down the solutions that came to you.
Turn over your worry to God and the angels. You are loved and cherished. You will be provided for and supported. Keep your thoughts positive even when there is no evidence that things are changing. Think of planting a seed: you don’t go digging in the dirt to see if the seed is sprouting. Stop doubting that what you need is on the way. When you doubt it’s like digging up the seed to see if it’s going to sprout: it will take much longer.
Trust that it will all work out. It will. God and the angels have your back!
I hope this has been of value to you. If so, please like or share! My mission is to spread love and light far and wide.
Next week, your reading will post on Friday rather than Saturday.
For a private online reading click here. For a private in-person, phone or Skype reading please click here.
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Love and light to you.
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