Why you are the most important part of this blog…
Oct 02, 2016
You probably know that I have been working on a book project for the past year. Actually, it has nearly been a year and a half. I am almost finished with the proposal and I’m so excited to submit it to Hay House this fall! Now it is time to turn my attention to my platform. A platform is essentially an audience.
Building a writer’s platform
One of the things the Hay House Writer’s Workshop taught me is about building my platform. You see, it turns out that at least 80% of the marketing of a new book falls upon the author. So it is essential that the author build a platform to help get the book published and begin working with a quality agent. That’s what I’ve been working on for the past eight months with my twice weekly blog posts and newsletters.
As I get ready to submit my book project, I am asking for your help. I sincerely need your help for one last big push. I’m going to be submitting the book proposal very soon… and I truly do need your help. I need to grow my platform more.
But first, some juicy stuff…..
The working book title is “The Inner Peace Prescription”. This book is written with the intention to offer hope and healing to anyone who has been through difficult times by providing practical, simple and easy-to-use spiritual tools that promote healing.The book is part memoir and shares my story of how I got out an abusive marriage and created a life where I thrive. That said, The Inner Peace Prescription is mostly self-help. It is especially written for people who have survived any type of abuse and offers ways to get over the mental/emotional blocks we sometimes experience as we try to heal and move on. This book is different from *everything* currently on the market because it offers ways to heal from abuse AND focuses on love, light and spirituality.
My platform stats
This feels a little like telling you how much I weigh, but here goes…..
As recommended by the Hay House Writers Workshop, I have been reading and working from a book called “Platform” by Michael Hyatt. This book outlines how to build a platform from nothing. I’m excited (and more than a little nervous) to tell you that I have built my writers platform since February to include:
181 Newsletter subscribers (up from 11 in March 2016)
501 Facebook Followers
1399 Twitter Followers (up from zero in March 2016)
730 Instagram Followers (up from zero in April 2016)
I would like my platform to be much bigger so that my book looks more appealing to publish. To build my platform I need more people subscribing to my newsletter, I need more people follow my page on Facebook, I need more followers on Twitter, I need more followers on Instagram…you get the picture.
All that’s left of my book proposal is the marketing plan and the market analysis. It’s nearly done! My deadline to submit is December 24, 2016 but I’m giving myself a submission deadline of December 1.
Why YOU are the most important part of this process
You all are the most important part of my marketing plan. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog posts that come out twice each week. Thank you so much for sharing any blog post that you love. You are truly a part of this journey! Without you dear reader and friend, this would not be possible. Thank you!
Thank you!
If you feel compelled, please consider following me on different social media sites and subscribing to my newsletter (in the upper right corner of this post you can find links to me on social media). And… if you feel compelled to share this post that would be SOOO great!! Thank you for helping me grow my platform before I submit my marketing plan. I am filled with gratitude for your help. Thank you for being part of this journey!
Once my submission is in… I have three new meditations I have been working on that I will publish as a thank you! I’ll send them out first to subscribers and then share on social media.
With love and gratitude,