Weekly Angel Card Reading for June 11 – 18
May 10, 2016
This is your weekly angel card reading for the week of June 11 – 18. If this crosses your path, you can be sure this reading is meant for you.
This week I drew from the Romance Angels Oracle Card Deck by Doreen Virtue. The angels told me I needed two cards in your angel card reading this week and these cards popped up right away.
Very Soon Angel Card Reading
The first is the “Very Soon” card. This card means that what you have been praying for is coming very soon.
Time is different on the other side. When the angels tell us something is going to happen very soon, you can trust that it is. I am hearing that what you have been praying for should happen within about three months. Keep believing that your prayers have been answered. It’s just a matter of time before you are able to see proof. Maintain positive thoughts. Visualize what you have been praying for. Expect the best! Don’t worry if you cannot yet see evidence of your prayers being answered. Trust that the Creator and the Angels are taking good care of you.
Past Life Relationship Angel Card Reading
The second card is the Past Life Relationship Card. This card tells us that you have or will have an important relationship with someone who you have known before.
In case you aren’t sure what a past relationship feels like, let me ask you a question. Have you ever met someone new and immediately felt like you knew them but have no memory of meeting that person? This is very likely a past life relationship.
Trust the feelings and impulses you have even if there is no evidence to support your feeling. If you know in your heart that you can trust this person, extend trust. If you have a little whisper of caution, trust that and proceed with great care. Obviously you will need to be discerning in the current relationship.
Past life relationships are often very intense. Do not mistake intensity for love. Allow the relationship time to grow and develop even with the strong feelings of familiarity you will have. Past life relationships can come into your life as friends, bosses, acquaintances, or lovers. That person did not necessarily have the same role in the past life. This is the reason you must use discernment.
There will be something for your to learn from this experience. Be open. Be curious. Maintain a high level of integrity.
Private Angel Card Readings
For a private online reading click here. For a private in-person, phone or Skype reading please click here.
With love and light,
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