Weekly Affirmation – Week of July 2 – Joy!
Jul 01, 2016
Boise is a big biking community. It’s common to see 10 or more bikers biking through my neighborhood on my drive home. One biker this week caught my attention. A young mother was biking on the wrong side of the road. But that’s not what caught my attention.
This young mother had her small child in a child seat securely seated behind her. She was peddling as fast as she could. The mother’s face was absolutely filled with joy! She had a broad smile that you could literally feel. The child seated behind her had a smile to match. They were laughing and throwing their heads back in delight.
I couldn’t help but smile. I began to laugh. I felt my own joy rise up as I began to conjure memories that had filled me with as much joy as the mother and her small child displayed. I caught their joy!
It made me think. We’ve heard that joy is contagious. How do we share it and spread it?
Smile and spread joy.
Think about seeing someone smile. When you see them smile, you probably feel like smiling, too. Try it now.
Turn the corners up on the edges of your mouth. Hold that for a few seconds. How are you feeling? You are probably feeling lighter, pleasant, happy, and maybe even joyful.
Every time you smile at someone, most of us feel the desire to smile back. Simply by smiling, you can change your own energy. By changing your energy, you can help fill the world with more joy! You can change the world with your smile.
Smile and spread joy.
If you like this, please consider sharing! My mission is to spread love and light far and wide. You can help me do that.
All my love,