Weekly Affirmation – I am willing to listen
Jul 08, 2016
This week’s affirmation came to me during a meditation. I am deeply saddened and disturbed by the racially charged events of this week that have resulted in multiple killings . I was seeking understanding and comfort in my meditation when very clearly, I heard our affirmation of the week. “I am willing to listen.”
I am willing to listen
Being willing to listen to each other and really understand one another is critical. It is a way we can change what is happening right now in the United States and throughout the world. We know it is wrong to kill. We know it is wrong to hate. And yet we are drawing lines in the sand separating one another.
We must begin to love. We must practice peace. We must willing to listen. In my meditation I was told that being willing to listen means many things. It means:
I am willing to listen to those with different colored skin.
I am willing to listen to those who have different religious and spiritual traditions.
I am willing to listen to those who live a different lifestyle.
I am willing to listen to those who have a different perspective from mine.
I am willing to listen when I don’t want to hear something new.
I am willing to listen when I disagree.
I am wiling to listen to my own inner guidance.
I am willing to listen to the guidance coming to me from the Universe/God/Creator, my angels, my guides.
I am willing to listen even when I am afraid.
Please, let us love one another. Please, let us keep one another safe. We must value ALL human life. We each can make a choice to stay in the light. And listen.
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All my love,