Want to see proof that your thoughts create energy? Check this out! – Boise Spiritual Teacher

boise law of attraction monday blogs Apr 03, 2016

We hear all the time that thoughts become things. We heard about the Law of Attraction and we hear about people manifesting things. Some of you just scoffed and rolled your eyes. I know because once upon a time, even though I wanted to believe otherwise, I wasn’t a true believer. Many of us are looking for proof that our thoughts matter. We want proof of the Law of Attraction. We want to understand why it works and how to tap into the universal flow. I have a special treat for you today. Instead of my normal Monday blog, I have a little video I made for you based on some thing we did in the Empowered You Talk and Workshop this week.

In this video, you’ll see me use simple household items (a drinking straw and some hangers) to show you how your thoughts create energy. It’s pretty cool!

If you are looking for a great book, I highly recommend E-Squared by Pam Grout. This book has 9 energy experiments that will blow your mind. The video features one of those experiments. And you can replicate it at home!

Watch here.

If you like it, please share or click “like”. My mission is to spread love and light far and wide. You can help! Share this with anyone you think would enjoy it!

Love and light! See you back here Thursday for Thursday’s tip of the week.
