Vote! Make your voice heard – and a personal secret.
Nov 06, 2016
I have a secret to share. I’m not proud of this secret, but it’s part of my story. Prior to my divorce, I was not registered to vote.
I didn’t value my voice. My vote wasn’t valuable, or so I thought. I didn’t think what I thought mattered. The person who I was closest at the time disagreed with my beliefs and ridiculed me (we had views that did not cross party lines).
I kept quiet both in my marriage and in my country. I am so sorry I did this but it was survival at the time. One of the first things I did after my divorce was register to vote.
Vote. Your voice matters.
My voice matters. Your voice matters! I hope you vote tomorrow (Tuesday, November 8, 2016).
If you aren’t registered to vote, in some states you can still register. You can find out here if you can still register in your state. Then bring in a picture ID and proof of address and get registered at your polling place.
Not sure where your polling place is? No problem. Type “where is my polling place” into Google. You’ll see a screen that allows you to enter your physical address and Google will direct you to your polling place. Allow some time to vote on Tuesday.
More questions about voting? Here is more information from Rock the Vote.
You have a right to have an opinion!! If your opinion is different than your friends or spouses, so what?!? You have a right to that opinion.
People have died fighting for our freedom, for our free speech and for our right to vote. Do not throw this right away!!
You probably thought I was going to tell you who to vote for. That is YOUR right to choose. But I will say this.
Please vote. Vote for the person who shows love and compassion to others. Choose for the person who is the most qualified.
Curious about who I voted for? I voted unapologetically for Hillary Clinton.
All my love to you.