Free sample of Know Yourself!
Jan 05, 2020
Who likes free samples!!! I do! I do!!
In this week’s blog post:
- You get to see the first couple of pages in my new journal “Know Yourself” and learn why I believe journaling is important.
- I want you to feel excited that can check this out for free!!
- I hope you’ll read this week’s post and let me know what you think about those first few pages.
Here’s why.
As we begin 2020, many of us feel called to become more purposeful in our daily decisions. Rather than resolutions, I like to do re-commitments. I re-commit to the things I value. Because it’s something I value, I have a special free gift for you!! A free sample of the first few pages of “Know Yourself”.
This year, as 2020 kicks off, I really fell off-course in 2019. I need a re-commitment to my spiritual practice in general. I’ve been continuing my mediation practice faithfully which is really the only reason I’ve been able to keep grounded. I have let go other key components of my practice and I’m excited to get going again.
One of the practices I have found most transformative over the years is journaling. After my surgery in August, I struggled to read and write because my thoughts were jumbled and my brain was foggy. (This was part of the reason I took such a long break from posting.)
Now that I’m healing, I’m finding myself able to think clearly and articulate. I’m so excited to begin journaling again. As I recommit to my journaling, I want to share the journal I created for all of you. So this week, I’m sharing the first few pages from my journal, “Know Yourself” which is available on in both paperback and on Kindle as an eBook.
Come back next week for more pages shared!! Later this month, I’m going to have a special gift for you!! And now… the first few pages of “Know Yourself”.
My inspiration for Know Yourself…
I am a blogger, writer and spiritual teacher. I adore all things creative and find joy in photography, music, writing, art and yoga. By day, I am a choir director and music teacher. Just like you, my days are full. There have been times that I have begun to feel overworked, over committed, under appreciated and in a rut.
I have sometimes worked too hard and too much. Just like you. Whether you work in or out of the home, you can probably relate. It’s easy to get carried away by the day-to-day life and lose track of hopes and dreams. We can begin to forget why we are working so hard and lose connection with our purpose. Sometimes we can get so busy that we forget why we are working so hard. We get so wrapped into the busy-ness of our lives that we can feel guilty for slowing down.
And we feel tired. So, so tired. That’s how I felt. When I am at my busiest, that’s when I most need to slow down but I feel the most reluctant to do that.
When I journal, I find that I reconnect with my greater “why” and then I begin to make more purposeful decisions. Purposeful decisions allow me to slow down, think through things and cultivate a sense of peace. Journaling has been an important part of my life for the past 15 years and has seen me through some wonderful and difficult times. I journaled as a child and a teenager, of course, but only came back to it in the last 15 years. I deeply enjoy reading through my journals to remember where I have been and who I have become. For this reason, I have a desire to share with you some of the journal topics that have been most transformative in my life. I share more about my story at the end of this book and in my upcoming book to be released sometime in 2020 titled “Inner Peace Prescription”.
Why Journal?
The Law of Attraction teaches us “like attracts like”. In simple terms, you bring about what you think about. Some times we can fall into a rut and forget that we really can design our own lives.
We forget that by changing our thoughts, we can change our perceptions and then our reality also changes. These journal prompts are designed to help short-circuit negative thinking that arises when we feel overworked, over tired, over committed, under appreciated and out of touch with our own hopes and dreams.
By taking the time to reconnect with your inner truth and true self, you will discover or re-discover what your heart truly desires. You can find purpose, solace and a renewed path toward happiness and fulfillment.
Writing with pen to paper will not only reveal your deep soul yearnings, but will allow you to discover anything that may be blocking those desires from manifesting. Once you understand what is standing in your way, these journal prompts gently invite you to examine your patterns of behavior and reveal solutions you already have inside you.
You already have everything you need to life the life of your dreams. These journal prompts simply help to reveal this to you and give you action steps to creating a life that is exactly you want. Now is the perfect time to examine your thoughts, feelings and actions to be able to create the life you long to be living. Let’s begin the journey together: the journey to know yourself.
Come back next week for some tips on how to journal and more from “Know Yourself”.
All my love,