51. Finding yourself with Tiphany Kane

Season #2

Tiphany Kane, M. Ed. is known as “The Heck Yes! Coach”. She is passionate about coaching women to turn painful “no's” in life & business into empowered opportunities to find the “Heck Yes!”. Tiphany is an entrepreneur, public speaker, coach, and writer, podcaster. 

Here are the takeaways...

  1. Sometimes we are asked to dim our lights and play small to fit into systems. We each get to choose what to do when that happens. 
  2. When you are told you are "too much" it's worth asking if that is really true for you... or if it's possible someone is asking you to be less than you are 
  3. You have been socialized to think that what you think, need, and feel isn't important. Let's give you permission to do what you need NOW: use the bathroom when you need to go, and eat food when you're hungry.
  4. Public education as we know it came out during the Industrial Revolution, and to work in factories. 
  5. We have the mindset in society that we need to be rule followers. Anytime you hear..." how could she do that?", "how dare she"... you know you are doing it right and living authentically and audaciously.
  6. The big AND. You can love where you are, be grateful for the growth, AND be ready to grow and expand. It doesn't mean something terrible has happened, it can be an acknowledgment that you can be ready for more. It all gets to be here.
  7.  Running TO something has a very different energy on your life than running AWAY from something. Making changes in our life from JOY is very empowering. 
  8. Your body is always talking. It can be useful to ask... what are you trying to tell me? What do you want me to know?
  9.  The podcasting world is a great medium for women, there's no one shutting down women's voices like there are in many other media streams.
  10. Patriarchy is bad for men and women. It tells us that women are in competition and separate from each other. But the truth is, collaboration is our superpower. Everyone rises when we come together.
  11. You can expand your world by bringing in people that have different gifts than you do. It's a way to make your life richer and it eliminates competition. 
  12. Tending to your own alignment, making sure you feel good is a way to not only lean into YOUR joy, but a way to allow other people to experience THEIR joy. 
  13. People feel your energy in all situations no matter what you say. If there is joy and love in your energy, people feel that. If there is a resentment and frustration, people feel that as well.
  14. Lightening your load and allowing the people in your life to make their choices ...by taking care of YOUR side of the street and letting them have ownership over THEIR side of the street.  It does EVERYONE a favor because it gives them agency and free choice, and you get to lighten your load. 
  15.  If our intent is to change someone or help them "Meet their potential", that's not love.

 Contact Tiphany:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiphanykane/ 

Website: https://tiphanykane.com/


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