Feel Better Fast Guide for Sexy Entrepreneurs Who Run Their Businesses a More Feminine Way 

Shift your energy so you can amplify your income and impact.

You feel everything.  Emotions from everyone around you, all the things you need to do, the recommendations from your team or clients.  

That can make it easy to forget that you are a bold, sexy, sensitive entrepreneur who is changing the world with business.

This guide will help you feel better fast so you can REMEMBER the bold, sexy, sensitive entrepreneur you really are.

Download the customizable

Feel Better Fast Guide For Empathic Entrepreneurs 

here to start feeling good right now! 


Hi, I’m Brenda Winkle.

I change lives by blending the science of breathwork and somatic coaching with intuitive energy healing. 


I specialize in supporting empathic entrepreneurs who feel everything to heal their nervous systems, set better boundaries, and understand energy so they can honor their emotionality and sensitivity without letting it take over their business.


I created the POWER Framework for Empathic Entrepreneurs:


P: Presence - Your aura (energy field) size matters. Learn why and how to expand and compress your energy.

O: Optimize - Optimize your space for energy richness. Discover how setting up your environment impacts abundance and health. Learn how you can shift any environment anywhere to support you. 

W: Wisdom - Harness your energy through generative practices. Learn and take home energy expansion techniques. Learn how to stop taking on energy and emotion that isn’t yours. 

E: Evaluate - Diagnose energy issues. Learn to discern and address energetic problems in your space and life and how to make adjustments. 

R: Renew - Empowerment and inspiration. Discover the energetic buffer which not only means you take on less from other people, but you keep more of your own energy. You’ll be ready to take on the world with renewed energy and confidence.



Download your Feel Better Fast Guide for Empathic Entrepreneurs

Shift your energy so you can amplify your income and impact.