108. Effective strategies for navigating anxiety with Gunjani Patel

Season #4

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In this podcast episode, host Brenda Winkle interviews Gunjani Patel, a holistic anxiety coach and trauma-informed breathwork practitioner. Gunjani shares her personal experiences with postpartum anxiety and major life changes, and how these led her to focus on helping women navigate change and uncertainty. She discusses various therapeutic modalities, the importance of self-care, setting boundaries, and overcoming perfectionism. Gunjani also explains the concept of post-traumatic growth and how it can be utilized by individuals who have experienced trauma. 

Here are the takeaways...

  1. Embracing Change: Gunjani's personal experience with postpartum anxiety and major life changes led her to specialize in helping women navigate through life's uncertainties with grace. She reminds us that our brains are wired for familiarity, and any change, even positive, can trigger stress responses.

  2. Postpartum Anxiety: Gunjani debunked the misconception that postpartum depression or anxiety only occurs immediately after childbirth. She opened up about her struggles, reminding us of the importance of seeking help and addressing our issues.

  3. The Power of Therapy: Gunjani shared her transformative journey through therapy, exploring modalities like past life regression, energy work, and EMDR. She emphasized the importance of treating trauma and helping individuals manifest the life they desire. Therapy is a top-down approach. 

  4. Post-Traumatic Growth: Gunjani introduced the concept of post-traumatic growth, emphasizing the importance of seeking help promptly after trauma to set oneself up for growth and prevent the reinforcement of neural pathways associated with the trauma.

  5. Honoring Our Body's Limits: It's important to recognize our body's limits when it comes to healing and personal growth. Listen to your body and gauge your level of distress, here's a gentle reminder that it's okay to approach healing with caution.  Bottom-up approaches like breathwork and somatic work are very supportive in healing processes. 

  6. Non-Negotiable Habits: Gunjani shared her daily practices, including setting an intention for the day and practicing mudras, a hand gesture that activates certain energy points in the body. She guided us through this practice, emphasizing the importance of self-care and setting boundaries. Gunjani's mantra "I am powerfully peaceful" as you practice the mudra.

  7. Gift to the Community: Gunjani generously offered a three-part training with an audio-guided meditation called "Breathing Your Way to Emotional Freedom and Elevating Yourself to Your Full Potential." This practice helps regulate the nervous system and can be life-changing when done consistently for 30 days. Access that at https://consciouslyliving.co/freetraining 

About Gunjani Patel 

Gunjani Patel is a distinguished Trauma Informed Transformation Breathwork & Holistic Anxiety Coach & an award winning speaker. With over 15 years of experience as a Licensed Mental Health Therapist and EMDR specialist.

She empowers successful women leaders who experience high-functioning anxiety & stress. Her guidance helps them navigate uncertainty & change with ease and confidence, informed by her personal journey of navigating anxiety, depression, PSTD, and highly sensitive and dysregulated nervous system, instilling her with profound empathy and insight.

Gunjani has assisted thousands of clients in resetting their nervous systems using her 'Unleash & Embody Your Peace, Power & Potential' frameworks. This approach is what she used to overcome her own postpartum anxiety & trauma. By gaining self and emotional mastery using this method, her clients have not only improved their relationship with themselves but also transformed the relationships around them. Gunjani is the CEO and founder of Consciously Living and holds multiple certifications in trauma-informed modalities & subconscious reprogramming techniques including EMDR, Hypnosis, NLP, EFT, and Reiki Healing, among other credentials behind her name.

Her mission is to empower millions of high-achieving female leaders to ascend to their highest potential and embody limitless abundance. In doing so, they can awaken to a life filled with ease, confidence, and freedom.

Contact Gunjani

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/holisticanxietycoach/ 

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/holisticanxietycoach 

Website: Https://www.consciouslyliving.co

Connect with Brenda 

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Contact Brenda

Website: https://www.brendawinkle.com/  

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brendawinkle/  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brenda.winkle111  

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brendawinkle111  

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendawinkle/  


 Keywords: Brenda Winkle, Gunjani Patel, holistic anxiety coach, trauma-informed breathwork practitioner, postpartum anxiety, major life changes, licensed mental health therapist, anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, PTSD, addiction, ADHD, mood disorders, sensitive nervous system, empath, personal and spiritual development, brains wired to seek familiarity, changes as danger, amygdala, stress response, hippocampus, moving to California, financial stressors, self-sabotaging patterns, postpartum depression, power struggles, relationship with husband, subconscious programming, social support, social media, comparison to perfect moms, suicide due to postpartum depression, common blind spot, cognitive therapy, energy body, emotional body, seeking support, subconscious beliefs, vision, action, therapy modalities, past life regression, energy work, EMDR, transformative impact, manifesting desired life, breathwork, post-traumatic growth, trauma during COVID-19 pandemic, resetting and rewiring nervous system, seeking help promptly, talk therapy limitations, emotional intelligence, recognizing body's limits, healing and personal growth, distress level, pushing through pain and discomfort, balance, rest and self-care, epsom salt baths, journaling, calming activities, deep healing approaches, basic emotional needs, compassion, listening to body, working through anxiety, non-negotiable habits, intentional living, mudra practice, setting boundaries, hormonal changes, support during certain times of the month, overcoming people-pleasing, perfectionism, soul's mission, inner work, emotional intelligence, audio guided meditation, regulating the nervous system