29. How to quickly shift the dip and feel better fast

Season #1

This episode includes some of day 3 of the Yes to Me Challenge.

While the challenge is no longer live, you can still tune into the replays by joining the challenge at brendawinkle.com/yes-challenge.



  • Create a list of ways to feel good while you feel good that you can access when you aren't feeling good
  • Picture the infinity loop... you have to be willing to receive to fully give
  • The goal is to shift out of fight/flight/freeze back into rest/digest. (we practice several ways in this episode)
  • Pause. That's the first step in setting any boundary or responding to anything that feels triggering.
  • Stop the Auto-yes.
  • Say no with joy!
  • How to get out of the dip (negative thinking or negative feelings like fear, frustration, scarcity, sadness, etc) quickly is on the other side of your breath (we practice!)


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