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Are you ready to unlock your self-actualization and step into your most embodied empowerment?


Brenda Winkle is an energy healer for high performers helping them to elevate, amplify, and expand their missions while they find, reclaim, and live from their full embodied YES. Through breathwork, somatic coaching, and energy healing for aligned leadership, they are able to create their YES-Filled Lives and move through their days with more freedom, ease, and joy. Brenda is trained as a certified advanced trauma-informed breathwork facilitator and somatic coach, Reiki Master Teacher, Advanced ThetaHealing® Meditation Technique Practitioner and more. 

1:1 Healing Sessions are for you if:

  • You prefer working with your coach/healer privately
  • You want to expand and amplify your success
  • You want to start the next chapter of your life and have no idea where to start
  • You feel ready to do deep inner work 
  • You have trauma you would like to release 
  • You want to reconnect to and strengthen your intuition
  • You want to heal


**You can choose to let your body guide the healing session or you can request a specific modality. **

'HEAL to the YES' isn't just a program; it's your bridge to a life filled with intentional yeses—yes to happiness, yes to balance, yes to inner peace, and yes to fulfilling your deepest desires and potential

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My Education and Training:

Certified Trauma-informed Somatic Coach-  January 2024

Advanced Breathwork Training in Subtle Energetics - August 2023

Certified Trauma-informed Breathwork Faciliator - April 2023

Advanced ThetaHealing® Practitioner - 2020

Dig Deeper ThetaHealer® Training - 2020

ThetaHeaing® Basic DNA Certification and Re-Certification - 2016 & 2020

Reiki Master Teacher Certification - 2016

Clendinning and Advanced Clendinning Practitioner Certification -  2018

Masters of Educational Leadership - Boise State University - 2010

Bachelor of Science in K-12 Music Education - Chadron State College - 1996



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Be sure to check out my signature offer, "Yes Academy" by clicking this link. 

Hear from a client


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