13. Yes to Me - Day 4

Season #1

This bonus episode contains some of the day 4 meeting of Yes to Me.

Today's focus was on managing our ego (fear-based) and moving into higher vibrational consciousness to feel better, taking faith-filled action and knowing that we have to make the first move.

 Can you think of a time when you moved first and the universe met you? When you just DECIDED to do something and everything worked out? Even without evidence? 


We hear from Yes Academy graduates and guest teachers as well. 

There is adult language in this episode so grab headphones if you have littles around.

It was a meeting of powerful, heart-centered, and strong women who are ready to say YES to themselves in new ways. 



The doors to Yes Academy are open from June 04, 2022 - June 14, 2022. Here is the link. https://www.brendawinkle.com/yes-academy-course