Start Your Transformation Today

Second Chapter. This one's about you.

Are you ready to step into your power and transform your life?

Start Your Transformation Today


Welcome to Second Chapter

This one's about you.


Your compassion, intuition, and empathy have been a large part of what's felt good in your life. Your kind, empathic nature guided you to your relationships, your business, and how you like to spend your time. 


But these same abilities that made you want to start your business to make a difference in the world, and be the best parent possible to your kids and the most loving partner to your spouse sometimes make being an empathic entrepreneur feel hard.

  • Imagine knowing how to stop taking on energy and emotions that aren't yours... without locking yourself alone in your room.


  • Imagine understanding how to impact your environment so that you can feel aligned and sovereign no matter where you are so you feel less drained and depleted by clients/students/patients, busy events, large crowds, or emotional people.


  • Imagine knowing how to generate energy within yourself so you can stop feeling so affected after being around people and you can make clear decisions that are the best for you and your business.  
  • Imagine being able to trust that the emotions you feel are in fact yours, and that you aren't mistaking someone else's emotions for your own (mirroring or subconscious empathy).

Being an empath doesn't have to suck. You can use it and turn it into your superpower.


Up to now, you've mostly figured out how to navigate this on your own through trial and error, right?


You've felt like the weird one in your family and growing up, you often wondered why other people didn't understand things the way you did. You wondered why no one anticipated your needs and feelings the way you do for others.


It's felt lonely, isolating, exhausting, and often painful.


You either turned to people pleasing simply for relief OR self-isolated so you didn't have to feel it all.


You've done the inner work. Gone to therapy and invested heavily in yourself. And you're very good at what you do. You've enjoyed success.


But you sometimes feel like it all comes with a cost of your inner peace. 

 You've put the needs of the kids, your partner and your career in front of your own. 


You are ready for a NEW chapter.


You want to be known like you know others.

You want to be around people who also have empathic abilities so that some of your needs and desires can be anticipated.

And you really want to stop being on guard all the time, worried about how you'll protect your energy. 


Sound like you?? Then this is for you!! 


Second Chapter is for you if...

  • You want to grow your confidence and claim your empowerment
  • You want to confidently express your needs and desires without being afraid of conflict.

  •  You want to turn your intuition and empathic abilities into a gift even if you've been told that it’s silly, weird, or that you are being over-sensitive. 

  • You desire a deep sense of self-worth that doesn’t depend on anyone's approval. 

  • You want to stop worrying about what other people think and you want to stop people-pleasing. 
  • You want to feel empowered to create the life of your dreams
  • You have a mission on your heart and want to serve others with your book, your new spiritual offerings, or your energy energy-healing business
  • You are navigating or want to create a change: wanting a move, kids leaving the house, new career, retiring from one career and creating another, improving your romantic relationship, or finding a new one
Start Your Transformation Today

"I joined Second Chapter because I had attended many of Brenda’s free classes and I loved them all. I wanted more of what she was teaching. Since I have joined, many positive things have happen in my life. I have more time to do the things I want to do, I have learned how to say NO and how to protect my energy. I have also attended her Reiki training and am moving forward with starting a Reiki practice. My favorite part of Second Chapter is the friendships I have found with like-minded people. I love the connections that I have formed with the others in the group. If you want to connect with like-minded women, heal yourself with breathwork and learn new things about yourself, you should absolutely join! It is a life-changing experience!"

Tiara Rosane
Risk Management and Reiki Practitioner

How Second Chapter Can Benefit You

  • Learn the POWER framework for Empaths and apply it to your life
    • P: Presence - Your aura (energy field) size matters. Learn why and how to expand and compress your energy.

      O: Optimize - Optimize your space for energy richness. Discover how setting up your environment impacts abundance and health. Learn how you can shift any environment anywhere to support you. 

      W: Wisdom - Harness your energy through generative practices. Learn and take home energy expansion techniques. Learn how to stop taking on energy and emotion that isn’t yours. 

      E: Evaluate - Diagnose energy issues. Learn to discern and address energetic problems in your space and life and how to make adjustments. 

      R: Renew - Empowerment and inspiration. Discover the energetic buffer which not only means you take on less from other people, but you keep more of your own energy. You’ll be ready to take on the world with renewed energy and confidence.
  • Develop your intuition and learn to read energy so you can stop overthinking and make confident decisions about what's right for you without needing to make decisions by committee
  • Gain the confidence to create and navigate the next chapter of your life by letting go of people-pleasing. Through somatic coaching and breathwork, it will finally feel safe to live as your authentic self.
  • Learn Energy Work so you can stop taking on so much from other people 
  • Identify and heal blocks that have been holding you back 
  • Become a better communicator. Set healthier boundaries. Learn ways to say the things you've been too scared to say. Learn to listen and to be heard.
  • Become a part of a community of intuitive, sensitive, and successful women just like you. A rising tide lifts all boats and in this community, we all rise together. 


When you implement the tools and strategies offered, show up for the breathwork and somatic coaching in your hot seat... You'll learn to say Yes to YOU. 


"You have helped me identify, name, and heal things that were constantly holding me back but that I was somewhat or totally unconscious of. You are helping me heal those things that have made it unsafe to fully live out my purpose. You have also helped redefine what safety/unsafety and trauma can look and feel like. I only ever thought of safety as physical safety and I have thankfully not been in many situations where I feel physically unsafe. And I never really felt I had the right to have trauma since the "Big T" traumas had never happened to me."

Kendra D
Marketing Exec



Start Your Transformation Today

"After my session I felt grounded and connected to the divine. That I had received a physical and emotional release. That my God given vision, my souls purpose is embodied and attainable and aim supported in achieve this."

Caroline Gibson
Chartered Psychologist and Breathwork Facilitator

What's Included? 

  • The POWER framework for empaths - You'll be able to take this into the rest of your life and use it on your own.
    • P: Presence - Your aura (energy field) size matters. Learn why and how to expand and compress your energy.

      O: Optimize - Optimize your space for energy richness. Discover how setting up your environment impacts abundance and health. Learn how you can shift any environment anywhere to support you. 

      W: Wisdom - Harness your energy through generative practices. Learn and take home energy expansion techniques. Learn how to stop taking on energy and emotion that isn’t yours. 

      E: Evaluate - Diagnose energy issues. Learn to discern and address energetic problems in your space and life and how to make adjustments. 

      R: Renew - Empowerment and inspiration. Discover the energetic buffer which not only means you take on less from other people, but you keep more of your own energy. You’ll be ready to take on the world with renewed energy and confidence.
  • Get where you want faster. Collapse time through the power of energetic calibration and our loving community.  
  • The support you've wanted. You can stop trying to figure it out alone. You'll have the highest level of access to me, accountability,  and support from our community of heart-centered, ambitious, empathic, intuitive women.  No more having to binge podcasts, bouncing from free challenge to free challenge, or searching Google for hours. 
  • Gain confidence and clarity through cohesive work-at-your-own-pace recorded modules and integrative workbooks. Binge them all on a weekend, complete one per week, or at any pace that works for you.
  • Let go of people-pleasing. You've kicked this in most areas but that one place where it lingers is taking a ton of bandwidth. You'll experience deep healing so that it will finally feel safe to stop people-pleasing in every area of your life. Combine that with scripts, cheat sheets, guides, and guided practice, and you'll let go of people-pleasing for good.
  • Increased self-worth. Deepen your awareness of what's important to you so that you can live congruently to your values to finally stop negative self-talk.  
  • Increased access to intuition. Discern intellect from intuition so that you can confidently make decisions you know are best for you.
  • Guidance and clarity in adding energy work to your life. Cut cords from situations and people. Use energy work to positively impact everything from your home to your career. 
  • Improve your relationships. By learning to meet your own needs and desires you'll show up more fully for your loved ones and those you work with.  Better communication and healthy boundaries using guided practice and scripts after experiencing deep healing so that it feels safe to show up fully inside your relationships to ask for what you need will change all of your relationships for the better. 
  • Somatic Healing / Inner Child Healing / Parts Work in Somatic Coaching Hot Seats and breathwork sessions



 We'll dive into topics like abundance, money, leadership, relationships, boundaries, time, magnetism, energetics, communication, building a business or podcast to support your mission and so much more. 

You'll receive high-level support from me AND your peers in Second Chapter so you make the big leaps you want to make, heal the parts of you longing for healing, and learn to love the parts of yourself that have felt unlovable. 


  • Here's the structure...

    • 6 months inside Second Chapter 
    • 60-minute 1:1 strategy session/healing session when you begin to customize your journey
    • 3 - 1:1 healing/accountability sessions during your 6 months inside Second Chapter
    • 3 breathwork sessions per month 
    • 3 content calls with hot seats per month (you are guaranteed at least one hot seat during your time in Second Chapter)
    • 6-month access to replays while you are a member of Second Chapter
    • Voxer voice chat for quick answers and community support
    • Exclusive access to a member's portal with recorded modules, PDF guides, breathwork sessions, and meditations
    • Access to additional 1:1 support at an exclusive price available only to Second Chapter members
    • 1 free bonus workshop per quarter (2 in your 6 months inside Second Chapter)
    • 1 free breathwork session/moon ceremony per quarter (2 in your 6 months inside Second Chapter)

 PLUS!!! You'll receive these bonuses....

  • Breathwork Session to bring the formless into form (audio)
  • Vision Boarding Workshop and Vision Board Templates
  •  A library of bonus workshops: Feng Shui, Nutrition, Crystals and More.

Second Chapter is a 4 figure investment.  There are payment plans available.

"You have a way of getting to the root of my flow or lack of flow and I always feel so much better. The most surprising thing is how much more in tune I am with my body and mind. Also how much more connected I am to the others in the group. I feel like we all have so much in common and it is really strong. I started this to gain confidence and empowerment of what I know to be true about me. I was in a hamster wheel of a career and I needed a change. Retiring and starting my Sound Healing business is just the start of something big. I can feel it. "

Jill Perrin
Sound Healer

"Brenda is the real deal. She is able to coherently explain energy shifts and somatic work in ways that are practical and down to earth. My transformations after sessions with Brenda aren't one-and-done. I often have waves of deeper and deeper transformation that last days if not weeks. Brenda is able to see the blindspots and uncover deeper meanings to our sessions. She is also expertly able to redirect when the structured mind takes over and mutes the body."

Deepa N.

"Brenda is a true guiding light in my journey of self-discovery. Her expertise in breathing and somatic coaching, coupled with her ability to access my Akashic records, created an experience that was both profound and transformative. In her gentle and loving hands, I felt held in a space of safety and warmth. Let me tell you about Brenda – she's like the Swiss Army knife of coaching, seriously! In one session, she guided me through breathing, somatic coaching, and even tapped into my Akashic records. I felt like I was in the coziest, safest space with her gentle and loving vibes. What truly sets Brenda apart is her dynamic approach, seamlessly weaving together different modalities in the same session. The combination of breathwork, somatic coaching, and Akashic record access was truly unique and deeply impactful. Thanks a bunch, Brenda, for your incredible guidance and the beautiful energy you bring to each session. You've been an integral part of my transformative journey, and I am immensely grateful for your support and wisdom. "

Christine Maier - Founder of Vital Breath
Certified Advanced Trauma-Informed Breathwork Faciliator and Somatic Coach

You've spend the last chapter of your life putting everyone and everything else first. Now it's your turn.

Second Chapter: This one's for you

Second Chapter:

This one's about you

Start Your Transformation Today

Second Chapter

This one's about you.

Hi there!  I'm Brenda Winkle. I'm happy you are here.

I help you say YES to things that light you up & No to the things that don’t by blending the science of breathwork and somatic coaching with intuitive energy healing.

I blend science with the woo. There are very few - if any - people with access to the spiritual realm and intuitive healing who can tie in the science and back it with science-based protocols to promote healing.

 My training includes:

  • Master's Degree in Educational Leadership
  • Certified Advanced Trauma-Informed Breathwork Facilitator
  • Certified Trauma-informed Somatic Coach
  • Advanced Training in Subtle Energetics 
  • Advanced Training in Energy Medicine
  • Advanced ThetaHealing® Meditation Technique 
  • Dig Deeper ThetaHealing® Meditation Technique
  • Basic DNA ThetaHealing® Technique
  • Usui Reiki Master Teacher
  • Certified Oracle Card Reader

My work has been featured in Platinum Magazine, Top Sante' Magazine, The Telegraph, Brand You Magazine, The Metro, Authority Magazine/, NCAA Radio and I've guested on more than 50 podcasts.


Stop waiting for someone to give you permission. Start YOUR second chapter now.

Your Path to Transformation

Dive deep into a curriculum designed to awaken your fullest potential. Through breathwork, energy healing, and somatic coaching, Brenda supports you in navigating your path to a YES-Filled Life.

7 Pillars of Second Chapter

A Message from Brenda "I'm here to guide you back to your fullest empowerment, to help you live from a place of full-bodied YES. Together, we'll unlock your potential for more freedom, ease, and joy. It's time to step into the life you're meant to live, surrounded by a community that uplifts and supports your every leap. By using the POWER Framework for Empaths and the 7 Pillars of Second Chapter you'll find the freedom to live the live you've been dreaming of"

Second Chapter

6 month live group coaching and healing program

Full pay and Payment plan options

Book a call to learn more now

Start Your Transformation Today

Second Chapter is a 6 month program that will accelerate your growth, uplevel your life, and help you step into your purpose to create a massive impact in exactly the way that resonates with you. 


Second Chapter

This one's about you.

It's time to say YES to YOU

Start Your Transformation Today

Frequently Asked Questions

What people asked before signing up for Second Chapter

YES. I'm so certain Second Chapter will support you that I offer a guarantee.

If you don’t notice BIG measurable changes in how confident and empowered you feel as measured by your onboarding and progress surveys...


You’ve put in the work - attended live calls and breathwork, completed all integration workbooks and modules - you’ll get to come back for an additional 6 months inside of Second Chapter FREE to get you unstuck.

Second Chapter is designed to allow you to work at your own pace however the more you put into Second Chapter, the more you'll get out of it.

The short answer is 9 - 12 hours per month. You get one week off per month. The other week's you can expect to spend 2-3 hours.

This is not a prescriptive program. It's a deeply personal journey and the more you show up for it, the bigger results you will see.

It is NOT a magic bullet. Second Chapter will not do the work for you.  BUT if you do the implementation work and show up for yourself, Second Chapter WILL work. 

Attend as many live calls as you can or watch the replays. These will take 2 hours 3 weeks a month. You'll get one week off per month.

The integration work for each module will take you approximately an hour each week. That's about 1-3 hours every week with one week off per month.

You will have ongoing access to these recorded modules during your time inside Second Chapter to take all the time you want.  When your enrollment ends, your access to the live and recorded calls also ends, so attending as many live as possible is recommended


 I'm SO certain that Second Chapter will support you that I offer a guarantee. 

Second Chapter is high-level 6 month program with live calls, hot seats and recorded modules, bonus workshops and breathwork sessions, bonus access to other courses and the highest level of access to me that I offer. 

Second Chapter is a 4 figure investment and there are payment plans available. 

I'll share all the details with you on your application call. You can schedule a call here. 

No payments are taken over zoom.


 We'll meet live on Tuesdays at 11 am PT for our content / hot seat calls.


We'll meet live on Wednesdays at 4 pm PT for our breathwork sessions.


All calls will be recorded and uploaded into your portal within 48 hours. 

You can either join by checking out at the link on this page or you can chat more with Brenda about Second Chapter.

Book your information call today to see if this is the right fit for you. Book your call here.  


  • You aren't ready to show up for yourself and commit to being on as many calls and breathwork sessions as possible (or consistently watching the replays)
  • You aren't ready to take responsibility for your life. You're still playing the blame game and feel like a victim.
  • You aren't ready to do the inner work of implementing what you learn
  • You feel uncomfortable about or with energy work/energy healing or have religious beliefs that make you feel uncomfortable with energy healing, spirit guides, past lives, oracle cards, etc. 
  • You aren't ready to expand into the fullest version of yourself
  • You aren't ready to harness your abilities as an empath

"INCREDIBLE!!! We covered so much ground. Brenda provided such a calm, safe space for curious exploration of the body. I was SO amazed with all that came up and was moved through. Brenda, you have so much ease and flow in your coaching. You are an absolute PRO! and I love all the tools you intuitively built into the session. It was absolutely perfect!!! Thank you for patiently following my body's lead and giving all the parts arising time, love and space. SHE's INCREDIBLE!! inspirational and her system feels so safe, loving and inviting."

Dr. Michaela McClure
Chiropractor, Breathwork Facilitator and Somatic Coach

Stop waiting for the YES. BECOME it.

Second Chapter.

This one's about you.

Start Your Transformation Today

"I feel I am free to be me, and my true self can shine through. I can use my voice and speak my truth. Full of joy for what lies ahead. Brenda's feelings are so accurate, she sends us messages throughout the journey if it is good for us, while leaving us space for our own revelations, which allowed me to better feel what I had need to free, to see, to hear. She really knows how to set the right dance, the right rhythm for us so that we can receive what needs to be seen, to be received, what needs to receive our love so that we can move forward more fairly and true with ourselves. "

MJ LaRoque
Advanced Trauma-Informed Breathwork Faciliator and Somatic Coach

Second Chapter: This one's about you.

6 month coaching and healing program


If you don’t notice BIG measurable changes in how confident and empowered you feel as measured by your onboarding and progress surveys..


You’ve put in the work - attended live calls and breathwork, completed all integration workbooks and modules - you’ll get to come back for an additional 6 months inside of Second Chapter FREE to get you unstuck.

"Absolutely amazing. Brenda helped me unlock blocks I had no idea were there- in such a comfortable way."

Megan Moran
Founder of MomprenuerCo Podcasting Studio

"I love how grounded and embodied she is in her work."

Adriana Bisorca
Healer and Guide

Second Chapter

This one's about you.


50% Complete

Two Step

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