63. Are you or your kids highly sensitive? Motherhood Series

Season #3

A 1997 research study found that between 20-30% of the population is highly sensitive. This means that scientists can measure differences in the brains of highly sensitive people in regard to receptor sites. Highly sensitive people literally process information, external stimuli, and emotions differently. The term highly sensitive person came from this research. 

Here are some indications you or your children might be highly sensitive.


  1. Sensitivity to sound
  2. Sensitivity to light
  3. Sensitivity to flavors or textures in food
  4. Tactile sensitivity - sensitivity to touch, sensations, and fabrics on the skin
  5. Emotional sensitivity - big emotions of your own or elevated responses to other people
  6. Taking on or absorbing energy in a space
  7. Sensitivity to fragrances or scents - strong likes/dislikes or even physical reactions
  8. Taking on physical sensations, symptoms or emotions of other people in your body
  9. You've heard you are too sensitive
  10. Gravitating towards helping or supporting people or animals that need you because it's painful for you to see suffering
  11. Feeling too open or too closed - picking up EVERYTHING or numbing out
  12. Sensitivity to temperature... experiencing certain temperature ranges as intolerable or even painful

In this episode, I'll begin to unpack what high sensitivity can mean to parents and begin the conversation around how to navigate it.