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This is a LIVE experience. There is a replay available.

I understand that Brenda Winkle is an advanced certified Trauma-Informed Breathwork Facilitator and an energy healer. She is not a doctor or therapist. 

I understand that breathwork and energy healing is not a substitute for medical care, counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment, and I will not use it in place of any form of therapy or medical treatment. I recognize that breathwork and energy healing require emotional, physical, and mental effort, exertion, and behavioral experimentation, on my part, which may cause physical, mental or emotional injury. I fully acknowledge and take full responsibility for all the risks involved. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with my healthcare provider prior to participating in breathwork.

To submit questions regarding this release please email: [email protected] 

Boundary Setting for the Sensitive and Compassionate

Here's what I'll be covering in the masterclass and breathwork:


  •  Breathwork to expand your capacity to feel safe setting boundaries Maintain your compassion AND set healthy boundaries
  • Put kindness first without feeling weak or avoiding setting the boundary
  • Recognize when a boundary is needed earlier to reduce frustration
  • Confidently set boundaries with boundary statement frameworks

Live 60 minute masterclass with breathwork

November 30, 2023 - 9-10 am PT

Replay available