$2,700.00 USD

2 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

By completing the purchase you acknowlege:

 Brenda Winkle is not a therapist, counselor or doctor and does not provide any professional mental health or medical advice. 

 You are responsible for making your own good decisions on your way to, during and on your way home from the retreat. Brenda Winkle and Brenda Winkle Empowerment are not to be held liable for any decisions you make.

Lodging provided may be double occupancy. You can upgrade to single occupancy once you reserve your spot.

Cancellation Policy - There are no refunds. By purchasing you are reserving a space for yourself at the retreat as one of the 12 people who will be attending this retreat. In extraordinary circumstances (death, illness, natural disaster) you will be given credit at Brenda Winkle Empowerment. 

There will be additional signature required for terms and conditions. 

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Energetic Mastery Retreat


September 24-28, 2024

Beaverton, Oregon (a suburb of Portland)



~Your lodging (double occupancy with your own bed) - $1500 value

~30-minute private session with Brenda - $250 value

~Daily Breathwork - $250 value

~All workshops and sessions that include hot seats - $5000 value

~Cacao Ceremony - $90 value

~Time to recharge and renew - priceless

~All meals (dinner 9/24, all meals 9/25-27, breakfast 9/28) $700 value

~Transportation from PDX at 3:30 pm 9/24 and to PDX at 10 am 9/28 - $150 value

Total Value - $7890

***You are responsible for getting yourself to and from PDX and for any places you want to go during the retreat.

***Transportation will be provided for all organized outings.