$397.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Your results in this course are directly linked to your effort. This course will support you in using energy work to create a life and home you love as well as helping shift your energy through breathwork. 

This is not a quick fix but it WILL work if you give it yourself a chance.

 Ultimately, your results will come down to you. Your results will be tied to implementing what you learn, shifting your own energy and showing up for yourself.


Brenda Winkle and Brenda Winkle Empowerment, LLC are not responsible for your results. You are responsible for putting the suggestions into place. There is no substitute for your own good judgment. 

Brenda Winkle is not responsible for how you spend your time, or for any household items you donate, discard, or purchase. You are a sovereign being with choice and are always your own highest authority.

Brenda Winkle is an advanced trauma-informed breathwork facilitator, energy healer, and somatic coaching-in-training. She is not a doctor or therapist and does not offer any professional medical or mental health care. Before any breathwork, it is recommended you consult your provider.

Inviting Your Yes - 3 Payment Plan

"Inviting Your Yes" will support you in using energy work to create a life and home you love.

You'll have access to 5 recorded modules AND 5 live content/breathwork/coworking calls.

We'll be live on 5 Thursdays from 1 - 3 pm PT November 16 - December 21 (no call on American Thanksgiving)