$5800 - Full Payment with 1:1 bonus session with Brenda

By completing this purchase you are agreeing with this service agreement and the following...

  • Second Chapter is for educational purposes and is not to be used to replace your mental health or traditional medical care. Brenda Winkle Empowerment, LLC does not offer any professional medical or mental health advice. 
  • This is pay-in-full payment.  You will be granted a bonus 1:1 call with Brenda Winkle that you can use at any time during your year inside Yes Academy upon completion of this purchase
  • There are no refunds for Second Chapter. This requires a full-bodied yes from you.
  • All materials (videos, meditations, workbooks, audio recordings) are the intellectual property of Brenda Winkle and are not allowed to be shared, copied, or distributed without written permission from Brenda Winkle Empowerment, LLC. 
  • If you don’t notice BIG measurable changes in how confident and empowered you feel as measured by your onboarding and progress surveys..


    You’ve put in the work - attended live calls and breathwork, completed all integration workbooks and modules - you’ll get to come back for an additional 6 months inside of Second Chapter FREE to get you unstuck.

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Second Chapter Full Pay